Harm Reduction

If you're struggling with substance use and abuse, this page will help signpost you to appropriate resources, as well as information regarding Manchester Met's policy surrounding substance abuse, which has recently changed.

The University are now adopting a harm reduction approach to student substance use, rather than a zero tolerance policy.

The link below will take you to the University's dedicated page where you can read more.

From the University:

"We recognise that some people may choose to use drugs and other substances during their time at university. While we do not condone drug or other substance use, we and The Union are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all members of our community on or off campus.

We take the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff extremely seriously. We have adopted a harm reduction approach to educate students about the risks of drug and alcohol use. This approach encourages safe and confidential disclosure of concerns around substance use when seeking support. It also provides open and direct information to reduce the harmful risks of such use".

Helpful resources

The below list will be updated regularly and will be a point of truth for students to find the resources and support they need.

- Change Grow Live - Evie, an ambassador from the charity will be hosting drop-ins at The Union's Advice Centre every Monday from 14:00 - 16:00 (term time only). These drop-ins are completely judgement free and are designed solely to support you.

- SOS Drug & Alcohol Impact - Read more about The Union's partnership with SOS Drug & Alcohol Impact on their website.