I feel happy being a Course Rep.
I feel as though I am valued by staff members and my peers.
...In all, it's helped me gain leadership confidence.
Annual Course Rep survey, 2024
Student Officer Elections 2025: Nominations are now open, get yourself in the running.
Think The Union is welcoming and inclusive to all types of students.
Agree that The Union offers a wide range of sports, clubs and societies that they can get involved with.
Agree that The Union provides a wide range of activities and events that they can get involved with.
Think The Union provides social and recreational spaces that meet their needs.
Say The Union makes it easy for students to get involved.
Agree that The Union is a great place to be.
Those students who regularly engage with The Union are more likely to give higher scores for these measures than those who don't.
Annual Course Rep survey, 2024
Feel The Union listens to student ideas and feedback.
Think The Union represents the views of students effectively.
Feel The Union's decisions are driven by student voice.
Agree that The Union represents students on the right academic issues.
Think The Union effectively represents students academic interests.
Agree they can share their views and experiences with The Union on things that matter to them.
Our Annual Survey has indicated positive increases across all Student Voice metrics..
Annual Survey respondant, 2024