Report and Support – use this Manchester Met system to report any form of discrimination, hate incident or sexual violence
St Mary’s Centre – offer a range of support if you have been sexually assaulted
0808 500 2222 – 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line, provides free, specialist and confidential support for victims of sexual violence or abuse. Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Womens Aid – information and support on domestic abuse
Respect – support for men experiencing domestic abuse
GALOP – support for LGBTQ+ people experiencing domestic abuse or violence, including a helpline
BAME students
BAME Ambassador Scheme – a student-led collaboration between The Union and University, which aims to improve student experience and close the awarding gap for Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) students
Shades of Tea podcast – a platform that amplifies the voices, cultures, and experiences of our underrepresented students
Manchester Met’s inclusive learning resources – learn more about Manchester Met's commitment to providing inclusive learning communities