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Once you’ve checked if your halls have a kettle or not, here are the 20 things no one told you to bring to university, also known as the things when you forget to bring them you’ll be mildly annoyed about.
You don't need to necessarily bring these with you but purchase them cheap in your first couple weeks.
1. Passport/ID
If you get a job or want to go abroad with your course, you’ll need your passport. Don’t be left in the cold.
2. Dish bowl
It stops getting you sink dirty and is good if you don’t have a draining sink (which you probably won’t)
3. Dish drainer
So your pots aren’t just chilling on the side and getting gross.
4. Corkscrew/bottle opener
Bottle opener is essential, corkscrew because you never know.
5. Oven gloves
Tea towels are fine until you burn your hands.
6. Scissors
It’s hard to find actual good scissors, and has many uses for food and other household things.
7. Reusable bags
You need these for shopping, but you can use them for laundry, coursework, and bringing extra bits to uni.
8. Bathroom bin
For people who have periods, this is essential and also good to throw away wipes, cotton pads and anything else you don’t want in your bedroom bin.
9. Clothes airer
Cheaper than using dryers and easier than just using doors and hangers. Get a three tier one that opens up rather than a long one as it will take up less space if you need to keep it in your room.
10. Earplugs for sleeping
Walls are thin in student accommodation, better safe than sorry.
11. First aid kit
You can pick up a basic one from the shops, but it’s always good to have platers and painkillers in your room.
12. Air freshener
You probably won’t be allowed candles in your halls or house, but having an air freshener will sort the smells out.
13. Longer phone charger
Your nearest plug socket may not be near your bed, so this will protect your right to scroll all night long.
14. Coat rack for door
Wardrobe space will be small, a coat rack that fits over your door is a great fix for this.
15. Mirror
If you don’t want your only mirror to be the one in your bathroom, get a full length one to make sure your outfits are on point.
16. Warm blanket
For your bed, to slob on the sofa, when you just need an extra layer a big blanket is the one.
17. Lamp
You don’t always get one provided and you need one so you don’t have to pick between big light or darkness.
18. Hot water bottle
You might have to be stingy with the heating if you want to save on bills, so this will save you from a cold bed.
19. Clothes for summer
You’re in uni from September to May but you can’t predict a rogue heatwave – pack clothes for all weather.
20. Fancy dress
You never know when you might need it!