5 Phrases About Race That We Should All Know

Monday 17-05-2021 - 12:05

Written by Ishaa Amin, BAME Ambassador

These days, there are a whole host of terms in relation to race. What do they mean? Are you using them correctly? Or are you guilty of using them? Here are five words about race that everybody should know, regardless of their race.


1. Critical Race Theory

This is a school of thought - it says that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist. It states that racism is within the blocks of society and that race is a social construct.

2. Emotional Tax

This is the work that marginalised groups have to do that is usually unseen and takes on a mental toll. It’s to make those of a minority feel safe and respected.

3. Microaggression

These are indirect expressions of racism and can include sexism and ableism. They are “well-intentioned” but result in the person feeling violated or uncomfortable.

4. White Fragility

This can be described as a minimum amount of racial stress which results in defensive behaviour. A common example is a black man pointing out a white co-worker’s problematic attitude, and the co-worker’s response is to be defensive, upset and angry instead of listening and accepting the black man’s comments.

5. Unconscious bias

These include social stereotypes about a particular race or group of individuals. This is unconscious and much more prevalent than conscious bias. It can often conflict with a person’s conscious moral values.


How many of these terms did you know before you read this? These are just five out of many. We all need to make sure that we’re creating an inclusive community for individuals from all backgrounds to be a part of. Educating ourselves on key terms will help everyone understand what different communities have to go through every day.


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