A message for everyone in self-isolation

Monday 28-09-2020 - 18:04

This is a message for everyone in Birley and Cambridge halls, as well as anyone else in self-isolation. We hope you're doing ok, given the circumstances, and are getting the support you need.

We know that the University’s decision to implement a lockdown in Cambridge and Birley Halls is distressing, inconvenient and sadly necessary to ensure the safety of students and the community. The absence of strong government guidance and structure for HE, through track and trace and monitoring, has resulted in this situation. 

We can see that students are once more being vilified, along with young people, despite the vast majority of you following the guidance and responsibly looking out for each other. We want to make it clear that we support you in these times. As a union, our main priority is your wellbeing and ensuring that you get the support you need now and over the coming days.

We know that the University’s initial communication on Friday worried many of you and we’re glad to see that this has been addressed in the most recent update. In particular we were pleased to see the reversal of the request to remove posters from windows and clarification over how self-isolation will be enforced.

Since Friday, we’ve been talking to the University about how they can help to support your health, finances and learning.

Specifically, we called for the need for a financial package to make sure that you don’t miss out as a result of the self-isolation period. We were pleased to see the Vice Chancellor announce some of this package today (28/09/20). You can expect more detail via email.

We’re also continuing to talk to the university about other key issues, including academic and wellbeing support packages.

It’s useful to know what you’re thinking and feeling so that we know that we can be sure we’re talking to the University about the right things. We‘d like to know your thoughts on the financial package as well as any other issues that you’re experiencing. Everything you tell us supports us in representing you.

Let us know what’s on your mind so that we can make sure that you get the support you need.

As well as pressing the University, we’re also going to make sure that The Union is there to support you over the next two weeks. Whether that’s through virtual events to keep you occupied, practical and legal advice from our independent advice centre or just being available as Student Officers to listen to you.

– Your Student Officer Team



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