Write a note to your future self and check back in during Semester 2. Part of The Student Self Care Movement.
The Union and the University are proud to have been part of the NUS Alcohol Impact Project from the very outset. We were one of the first handful of University/Union partnerships to be accredited in 2015 and have worked together to promote responsible attitudes, create a more inclusive campus and improve mental and physical health and wellbeing.
A student led audit for our reaccreditation is taking place in July and we are confident that our efforts will be rewarded with NUS’ endorsement.
Vice President Cheshire and President elect, Amie Atkinson said:
‘This project touches on so many important aspects of student life. mental health, safety, academic attainment and social responsibility. As students we can sometimes place alcohol at the forefront of events, but if we make our focus other activity then university life becomes so much more healthy and inclusive.’
Director of Student Support Services. Rita Lewin said:
‘Universities have become increasingly invested in the mental and physical health of students so they can be successful in their academic and personal goals. The Alcohol Impact project has been a key mechanism to enable the University to embed responsibility around alcohol use across our curriculum and support services.’
Fnd out more about Alcohol Impact.