Everything you need to know about the 2024 General Election

Friday 24-05-2024 - 14:39

As a General Election has just been announced, it's crucial for students to be informed and engaged. Whether this is your first time voting or you’ve done it before, understanding the election process, key issues, and how to get involved is essential. So, we've put together this hand guide that'll provide you with everything you need to know to make your voice heard in the 2024 General Election.

Register to vote online 



What is a General Election?

A General Election is a nationwide voting process where citizens choose their representatives in the government. In the UK, this means electing Members of Parliament (MPs) to the House of Commons. The party with the majority of seats typically forms the government, and their leader becomes the Prime Minister.



When is the General Election 2024?

The General Election is scheduled for Thursday, 4 July 2024.



Why Your Vote Matters

Voting is a fundamental democratic right. As students, your vote is particularly powerful. Politicians pay close attention to youth issues when young people turn out in significant numbers. By voting, you'll help to influence policies on education, housing, climate change, healthcare and more.



How to Register to Vote

You must be registered to vote to participate in the General Election. Here's how to do it:

Check Your Eligibility: You must be 18 or over on election day, a British citizen, or a qualifying Commonwealth citizen or citizen of the Republic of Ireland.

Register Online: Visit the Government’s voter registration website and complete the form. You'll need your National Insurance number.

Deadline: Ensure you register by 23:59 on 18 June 2024.



Types of Voting

In-Person Voting: Most voters go to a local polling station on election day. You'll receive a polling card with the location and times.

Postal Voting: If you can't make it to a polling station, you can apply for a postal vote. If you do, before the general election, you’ll get a letter with a ballot paper in. You’ll need to make sure you’ve made your choice and sent the ballot paper by post by a certain deadline

Proxy Voting: If you're unable to vote in person, you can appoint someone to vote on your behalf. You have to register to do this beforehand and decide who you want to do your vote.



How to Make an Informed Decision

Research the Candidates: Learn about the candidates in your constituency. Check their websites and social media profiles for their stances on key issues.

Read Party Manifestos: Political parties release manifestos outlining their policies and plans. These documents can help you understand their priorities and promises.

Attend Debates and Events: Many universities and communities host debates and events where candidates discuss their platforms. Attending these can provide insights and allow you to ask questions.



Getting Involved

Societies: We have politics societies as well as political party societies. Join these groups or head to some of their meet ups to to meet like-minded peers and participate in election-related activities.

Use Social Media: Spread the word and encourage your friends to vote! You've got a voice, make sure you have it heard.




What if I'm away from home on election day?
You can apply for a postal vote or a proxy vote. Ensure you meet the application deadlines. 

Can I vote at my university address?
Yes, students can choose to register at either their home address or university address. However, you can only vote once in the same election. So, make sure you register at the address that you’ll be at when you vote.  

What should I bring to the polling station?
Bring your polling card, although it's not mandatory. You will need photo ID such as a passport or driving license, ID requirements vary by region, so check local guidelines. 

What if I don't know where I'll be at the time of the Election?
Don't worry if you don't know your full summer plans just yet, whether you'll be at home or on campus. Our friends at NUS have put together a voting page and a system which will send you all info regarding the election designed just for you. All you have to do is sign the Vote Pledge on the NUS page and you'll received tailored info with everything you need to know about the Election.



The General Election 2024 is a significant opportunity for students to shape the future of the UK. By understanding the process, researching the issues, and participating in the vote, you can ensure your voice is heard. Remember, your vote is your power – use it wisely! 

Related Tags :

general election, 2024, postal vote, proxy vote, polling station,

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