Hundreds of women march to Reclaim the Night

Friday 22-02-2019 - 09:57

Thursday 21 February saw thousands of women and supporters take to the streets as part of the annual Reclaim the Night march in Manchester. 

Aimed at campaigning against sexual violence towards women, the event is an opportunity for women to “reclaim” the streets at night and demand more provision so they can feel safe walking in the city they live and study in.

Numerous students from all universities across Manchester to show solidarity against these issues. Anna Welsh, Societies and Development Officer at The Union, Manchester Met told BBC News at the march: “Things that just aren’t appropriate have happened on nights out, and people have blamed it on being too drunk, or the atmosphere, or [said] ‘she was giving me the come on’ and it’s just not on.”

This year, the campaign marches on Manchester City Council with three specific aims; firstly, lobbying for better lighting provision in Rusholme, Fallowfield and Withington, along with an increased police presence in the area. They are also campaigning to stop the Council’s cuts to women’s shelters and increase funding for local services that support victims. The march also hopes to raise awareness of reporting services for victims of assaults, with an increase in the use of such services after the campaign ends.

If you would like to support or advice concerning sexual violence, assault or abuse you can visit our Advice Centre or University Counselling, Health and Wellbeing.




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reclaim the night, news, political march,

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