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Now you’ve been at Manchester Met for a few months, you’ll have heard us mention our pub, The Salutation. As one of Manchester’s most historic pubs, it’s the place to grab a pint and meet up with your mates after lectures.
But The Sal has so much more to offer. Here’s a few things you might not know...
That's right The Sal is now officially serving the tastiest pub grub. In need of a post-lecture snack? They've got you covered with their loaded fries:
Plus, they’ve got some great sides:
Spring has officially sprung and summers right around the corner. Come and catch some of that vitamin D in The Sal' very open pub garden.
Plus, who doesn’t need an escape during exam season?
There’s always something going on at The Sal, but here are some of their usual events:
Join us for an evening of traditional tunes with the incredible Folk and Ceilidh Group from Manchester Met.
Think you’ve got the brains and the speed? Test your general knowledge in our Speed Quiz at The Sal. Only £1 to play with a £40 bar tab up grabs
TAP is a monthly art exhibition that showcases fresh, rotating artwork from talented Manchester-based student artists. You can even get your own artwork displayed.
Join the Manchester Developmental Theatre Society for a night of comedy, poetry, music, and more! Perform or just enjoy the show.
Maybe after reading The Sal's regular events you're feeling inspired to hold your own. Well, what better place than The Sal's very own function room on the first floor.
Equipped with a projector, screen and Bluetooth system the space is available to hire for all kinds of events, from art exhibitions to society meetups and workshops. It can also be split up into 2 rooms if you don’t need the whole space.
Plus, Manchester Met students and staff can hire it for free!
Did you know The Sal’s got a partnership with Bollington Brewing co.? No? Well thanks to that they’ve got a massive range of craft beers and ciders.
Here are just some of our faves on tap:
‘Best’ Golden Bitter
‘White Nancy’ Pale Ale
‘Oat Mill Stout’
‘Long Hop’ Pale Ale
‘Eastern Nights’ IPA
The Sal is one of our favourite spots on campus, but don't just take our word for it. Get yourself down there and sample some loaded fries in the beer garden. See you there!
Don't forget, with your Manchester Met ID, students and staff get 10% off draught beer.