Important info: The Union building will be closed on 5 February for a private event.
Catherine, Course Rep Support Staff HPSC
Volunteering as a Course Rep supports your course mates and provides a vital link between students and the university. However, it can also look impressive on your CV. So how can you make the most of the skills and experiences you’ve gained as a Course Rep? Here are my top 5 Course Rep employability skills to sell to potential employers:
Course Reps take on a leadership role when they volunteer to be the representative of all the students in their year group. This shows employers that these individuals are willing to put themselves out there, be active, and take on the responsibility of carrying issues forward. Course Reps must also ensure they represent the views of all students. This requires collating and balancing multiple perspectives, and reporting them objectively.
Effective communication as a Course Rep is more than just passing on feedback. Course Reps must deliver their message clearly, confidently and objectively. Not only this, but they must also be approachable, tactful and able to find creative ways to gather feedback from students. Course Reps are the crucial link in closing the ‘feedback loop’ – they also report back to their cohorts the issues discussed at meetings.
Course Reps develop skills in diplomacy – explaining the student point of view, recognising any opposing views, and working with staff to negotiate practical solutions. This shows employers that they can work collaboratively, but also reconcile and mediate conflicting agendas.
Course Reps attend programme-level meetings with the heads of courses, unit leaders, and representatives from across the academic services. They are required to use presentation skills, share information clearly and confidently, and field questions effectively - all skills needed in many graduate roles.
By volunteering as a Course Rep, you’ve stepped up and taken on an additional commitment on top of your academic workload. This demonstrates that you can balance multiple responsibilities, and sets you apart from other graduates.
For more help making the most out of the valuable skills and experiences you’ve developed as a Course Rep, take a look at the support available from the Careers and Employability Service. Interested in becoming a Course Rep? Speak to your course tutor, then get in touch with us.