Nominations for this years Teaching Awards are now open. Make someone's day.
From 24 – 27 February you can vote for your chosen candidates in this year's Student Officer Elections.
As a member of The Union (that’s right, all 44,000 of you), you have the power to shape the future of student life on campus.
But why is it so important to vote? Let’s break it down.
This is your opportunity to influence who represents you in The Union.
Student Officers play a crucial role in ensuring your opinions and concerns are taken seriously. By voting, you’re actively participating in the democratic process and selecting the candidates who best align with your values and needs.
The elected Officer Team will work throughout the year to improve student life by running campaigns, advocating for change, and making sure students’ voices are heard at every level within the university.
Whether it’s better support services, improved facilities, or new initiatives, the Officers you vote for will shape your student experience for the future.
Elections can be incredibly close, with some positions being decided by just a handful of votes. Your vote truly matters and could be the deciding factor in who gets elected.
Don’t assume others will vote for the right person—your choice makes a difference!
The Student Officer Team is made up of five key positions, each with specific responsibilities to enhance student life:
Each role plays a vital part in ensuring Manchester Met students have the best possible university experience.
We can’t tell you who to vote for, but you can find out for yourself by reading the candidate manifestos on our website. Have a read through and see who aligns with your interests most.
Voting is open from 24 - 27 February, and the process is simple! If you’re not sure how to vote, check out our FAQ’s below.
Q: Help! I can’t access the voting page.
A: Make sure you have a Union Cloud account. Head to The Union’s website, click ‘Sign In’ at the top right, then select ‘Students Click Here’ to create an account using your student email.
Q: How do I decide who to vote for?
A: Each candidate has a manifesto, which outlines their goals and plans if elected. Reading these can help you determine who aligns best with your interests.
Q: Why do I need to rank multiple candidates?
A: We use an alternative transferable voting system, meaning if your top choice is eliminated, your next preference will be counted. This ensures a fairer election process.
Q: What if I don’t like any of the candidates?
A: You can vote for ‘Re-open Nominations’ (RON). If RON wins, the position will be reopened for new candidates.
These elections are your opportunity to shape student life at Manchester Met. By voting, you’ll be making sure that your interests are represented, your voice is heard, and your student experience is improved. Don’t miss out—cast your vote and be part of the change!