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The Constitution is the ‘rule book’ by which The Union operates. It sets out how we are run, how decisions are made and the procedures we follow to ensure that we are efficient, transparent, and accountable to students. Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for The Union to decide.
The Constitution is broken into two main parts: The Articles of Government, which set out the basic rules governing The Union's business, and the Supporting Byelaws, which provide the more detailed procedures and codes of practice.
Articles one to four of the Constitution commit The Union to exercising all its powers and duties in accordance with the law and this Constitution in pursuit of The Union's mission and Charitable Objectives.
Articles 5 to 35 explain the rights of students and how key parts of The Union’s governance structures operate.
If you’ve got any questions about The Union’s Constitution, please contact the President at s.u.president@mmu.ac.uk.